Looking for your next Read...try these.
ellington was not a street by Ntozake Shange
This is lovely story with some amazing illustrations by Kadir Nelson. It is reflective of a time when the greats like Paul Robeson, W.E.B. DuBois and others would gather to discuss family, enjoy great music and some soul food and to tackle some of the biggest challenges facing our community. Ellington was not a street but a place full of beauty, hope, friendship and above all - love!
The Sun Does Shine by Anthony Ray Hinton
Have you ever read a book that completely changed your life? Well, this is one of those books. This is an amazing story about how a system that is suppose to protect us, actually worked against an innocent man and allowed him to serve 30 years on death row for a crime he did not commit. But for God's grace and mercy, Anthony Ray Hinton not only survived this horrific ordeal, he lived to tell his story, so the world would know the truth.
Why Are All The Black Kids Sitting Together In The Cafeteria? by Beverly Daniel Tatum, PhD
Upon reading the title, one may say - "Great question." Well, if you agree, the book provides a very detailed response to that question and much, much more. The book is highly thought provoking and allows the reader to really reflect on life and the way the system has played a critical role in how we think, how we act and how we respond to conversations about race.
The Last Black Unicorn by Tiffany Haddish
Tiffany Haddish has led a very interesting life and we know her as the comedian who makes us laugh. But growing up in South Central Los Angeles wasn't always funny. In the book, she shares with us, her life - the good, the bad and the ugly and how it transformed her into the person she is today. You may find it hard to believe, but Tiffany struggled in school because she had not been taught to read. Once she learned to read, her life was never the same.
"Once I could read, man, it was like I had superpower! I wasn't stupid! All them words made sense!" - Tiffany Haddish
Little Leaders - Bold Women in Black History by Vashti Harrison
Little Leaders is a beautiful book about some very beautiful African American women. Some of the names you may recongize such as Phillis Wheatley, Sojourner Truth, Harriet Tubman, Zora Neale Hurston, Rosa Parks, Ella Fitzgerald and many others. It is also filled with names that may not be as familiar but equally as important. These names include those like Lorna Simpson, Marcelite Harris, Raven Wilkinson and Audre Lorde. This book will provide inspiration to all the little leaders in your life.
The Spirit of African Design by Sharne Algotsson and Denys Davis
Are you looking to redesign a home or perhaps a room? Are you looking to infuse some vibrant color and unique works of art into your decor? Does having a piece of Africa in your home get you all excited? If the answer to any of these questions is "yes", then this book is what you have been looking for. Not only does it contain beautiful decorating ideas but it also provides you with some African history. I call it the best of both worlds.
Aretha - From These Roots by Aretha Franklin and David Ritz
On August 16, 2018 the country mourned the loss of our Queen - Aretha Franklin. If you are interested in learning more about this incredible icon, you may want to obtain a copy of "Aretha - From These Roots". The book was published in 1999 and appears to be the only account of Aretha's life based on her own narrative. Aretha was an amazing person whose voice was a gift from God. She went from growing up in Detroit and singing in her father's church to becoming one of the most recongized people in the world. May you rest in peace Aretha.